Food Distribution Using Slipsheets

Although General Foods Corporation in the U.S. has traditionally been using palletised shipping successfully in the early years of their introduction, it was found that the quality of the wooden pallets began to deteriorate as shipping volumes grew and the pallet exchange pool expanded to include more and more of other shippers and customers. According to C. W. Ebeling [*], it also became more and more difficult to obtain good hardwood pallets to the original specifications established for the program and it became virtually impossible to keep up with pallet repairs.

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Container Shipping Using Slipsheets

World trade has grown since ancient times. Today, containers and container ships are constantly being produced to handle the enormous quantities of goods that are shipped across borders.

Containerisation has been instrumental in improving the rates and volumes of the movement of goods. Yet simple measures can be implemented to increase the efficiency of the transportation of goods using containers.

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The growth of slipsheet handling systems around the world has resulted in more specialised slipsheet handling equipment being manufactured and sold. There is now a range of specialised equipment offering different capabilities and capacities..

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Replas Slipsheet Managed Refurbishing Systems

This service from Replas is a best practise global leader for pallet‐less distribution systems that require cost effective methods of maintaining slipsheet hygiene. When implemented into a supply chain with well‐defined hubs, the Replas Slipsheet Managed Refurbishing System will give you a streamlined supply of totally refurbished slipsheets ready to re‐use at a fraction of the cost of new sheets.

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Effective Business Partnerships

Replas has developed a number of collaborative business partnerships where we manage the plastic waste generated by clients operations. The plastic waste is collected and processed into the Replas family of products that can then be used by the client. Replas take ownership of those products once used, so you continually reuse part of your own waste – it’s a compelling value proposition, with the environment in mind.

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Slipsheets - Smart Thinking

Distribution, packaging, warehouse and freight managers have always strived for more effective and efficient product distribution processes. One of the main objectives has always been to reduce costs, and one innovation that has improved the distribution process and significantly reduced costs is plastic slipsheet technology.

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Bulk Bag Slipsheet

A recent development in pallet‐less handling systems is the introduction of the Replas Slipsheeted Bulk Bag. This innovative new product has a high‐quality Replas slipsheet attached to a premium grade bulk bag, which allows loads up to 1000 kg to be moved through a distribution chain. This style of packaging suits mechanised loading and unloading systems handling bulk products such as milk powders, flour, grains, minerals and rice.

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Overview of Slipsheet Technology

Distribution, packaging, warehouse and freight managers have always striven for more effective and efficient product distribution processes. One of the main objectives over the past few years has been to reduce costs.

Historically, two innovations have stood out above others to improve the distribution process. Firstly, the traditional wooden pallet. And secondly, the innovative concept of unitised loads.

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